Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Partner Spotlight: Bicycle Sport Shop - Summer, Kids and Hydration

Summer, Kids and Hydration
by Chris Carter
Marketing/Promotions - Bicycle Sport Shop

Now that summer is approaching, the parks and trails will soon be filled with parents and their kids. For those of you using the Burley trailer, or any other model trailer, here is a tip to keep your kids hydrated and happy and keep you from losing your cool.

Many of you with trailers have experienced the joy and agony of family day. Trailers offer a great opportunity to share our love of the outdoors and cycling with our kids, keep us fit and teach our children the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. However, how many times has your ride turned into a cross race because you had to keep dismounting to get Jr's bottle off the floor of the trailer?

That can be really frustrating. You have to stop, get off the bike, unzip the buggy, grab the bottle, zip the buggy back up, remount and by now they've dropped the bottle again.

So here's our tip: buy a camel back. You can store it in the cargo section of the trailer and route the tube around and tether it to the harness. It's just like drinking out of a straw and they can't drop it. Fill it with ice on those hot days to keep cool or drop a Nuun in for a little flavor with no sugar. Works like a charm.

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