Sunday, May 30, 2010

Adrian Barrons Xterra Red River Race Report

Xterra Red River, Oklahoma

1K swim/14 mile mtb/4 mile run

1st overall


Now before you go and start casting your comments about the time allow me to explain. As this race came down to a race of bike skills, perseverance, and some speed.

In all my years of MTB racing I can honestly say I have never seen this type of mud, and I am no stranger to “Mud Racing”. This may sum it up best. I over heard to racers…..”Hey what’s the course like” “Creamy peanut butter w/ a mix of broth and bacon grease on the rocks”. I think this is the best description I have ever heard, ever. The race location got rain 5 of the 7 days leading up to the race including the night before.

The red mud their just keep building upon the bikes, and up and up. It would consume your front detailer until it became inoperable. Most bikes doubled in weight. From beginning to end the mud just got worse and worse. Every ones bikes were ghost shifting, we all struggled with chain suck. I saw so many broken Derailleurs and hangers.

So theirs that, the bike portion was an absolute disaster and I know all involved were more than happy to see it through and start their run.

The run was mucho better than the bike. It was actually a very fast and flowing course. It seemed for ever 100 yards you went up you went down 300. Not very flat but you could still stretch your legs. I say that, I can stretch my legs out just about anywhere (5’3”).

Forgot about the swim. Standard two loop swim. I was positioned about where I always am at the back of the A group trying to find feet. Because of the rain the transition location had to be moved. Moved a ¼ mile from the swim exit. A ¼ mile of incline on a muddy road carrying you swim gear to transition. You gotta luv Xterra.

All and all it was a very good weekend, traveling with RL teammates and new race friends and the dogs. Congrats also go to RL teammate Adam Reardon for capturing his Age Group win. A solid win for the big man.

As always thanks go out to Coaches Brandon and Amy Marsh, Red Licorice Events and Performance Bikes for their never ending support of all my endeavors.

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